Tag Archives: review

Sunday Rewind

Sunday’s always are my favorite day.  Yes, it comes around every seven days, but I love getting to see the people who make it happen every week and then I love meeting new people.  This past Sunday was no exception.

We have lots of people who check out Crossroads every week and its so exciting to hear their story’s.  Many of these people come to check us out because of what they hear from you guys.  They know about us because you’ve told them its a place that you love and its where you feel comfortable learning and growing in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Here are a few things I noticed from this past Sunday”

  • What great weather we had!  Man, this weather makes me love July!
  • As I said earlier, I got to meet some more new people, people who were checking us out!
  • Thanks to you guys who jumped in and helped with all of the volunteer needs!
  • Good to see someone I visited in the hospital earlier this week….amazing that they were out and at church.
  • Thanks again for  your comments!
  • Thanks to those who give faithfully each week….we need more of you to jump in and be a part of what God is doing by giving on a regular basis.
  • Why is it that when my microphone doesn’t work, it throws me all off?
  • Lot’s of comments about the “red teddy”!
  • We missed our students who are off on their “World Changer’s” trip.  We will be looking forward to having them back next Sunday and I know that many of them are going to be glad to be back…..kinda figure that some of them are going to be really tired from working in St. Louis all week.
  • Keep inviting.  As school gets back many people are looking to get back in church.  Take the time and invite someone today.

That’s about it for now!